Farts and Burps

*BURP* . . . . *Fart*

Location: PJ, Malaysia

I'm dead boring

Saturday, June 03, 2006

slipped disc

so i went to the hospital to get my back checked...lo and behold(and $200 poorer) i have a slipped disc! Basically, the disc of my lower spine is compressed and bulging out and pressing the nerves around my spine. I was wondering why all the muscle relief creams weren't working, well now i know. I wonder if I can sue my company for making me carry the water bottles from 2 floors down to our office, i'm pretty sure that thats the reason that caused my slipped disc, and if not, at least aggravated it.

too bad this isn't the U.S...heheh.

well, on monday i will be seeing the orthopedic doctor who will charge 80-100 just for consultation, yay to more money flying away!!!! *sob*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

7:57 PM  

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