Farts and Burps

*BURP* . . . . *Fart*

Location: PJ, Malaysia

I'm dead boring

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

woo, new responsibilities

ok, i was thinking of taking a months break during april to do some freelance stuff and also improve on my animation and work on my own stuff. So while talking with the GM of the office, somehow instead of getting my vacation, i've been asked to lead a team to do an Ironman teaser for marvel. Marvel have never done any CG animation before, and if the teaser that we do is really good, this could really be a good thing for the company. It is also good for me to step up to the plate and really show what I can do. Although the GM already recognizes my worth(she said i'm one of best animators in the studio, although i know i still have a looooooooong way to go), i haven't really proved that I'm capable of taking a production under my control and getting good quality under a tight deadline. We've been giving only 2 weeks to get the teaser, and i chose my team today. I do believe we can do something really cool and this is a real opportunity for me. She also told me that the studio wanted to make my job permanent. So right now i should show them how good i am so that when time comes to discuss the terms I will have more leverage.

so thats the update for now, over and out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! what a huge change and a long leap! This could potentially be the 'break' that you're after.You should post some of your animations sometimes (not work related of course, since u might get into trouble...)


8:52 PM  
Blogger joel said...

Seems like you're one of the few ones (if not, the only one) in the family doing something you like. Damned, and I'm definitely not one of 'them'.

12:20 AM  
Blogger tauism said...

haha, so "cham" meh all the cuzzies?

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah loh. we very cham.

maybe our parents give us too much freedom so that we can choose what we want to do in life. If they were more strict and forcible maybe we would have become accountants or something (and thoroughly believed that was our dream)

gampate joel.

(obviously i got nothing to do at work. jiun)

1:15 PM  
Blogger joel said...

Yeah, they didn't brainwash us enough into thinking that those 'pro' jobs are our dreams. Then again, seems like the stuff WE wanna do are those 'non-pro' ones like Jude and his Aquaplants/Fashion?, June and her... hmm dunno, me and my.. dunno also.. Haha..

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

7:57 PM  

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