Farts and Burps

*BURP* . . . . *Fart*

Location: PJ, Malaysia

I'm dead boring

Sunday, March 05, 2006

well, my contract is ending May and i'm wondering what my next step should be. I originally wanted to take a break and do freelance as well as work on an animated short film, but i am wondering about finances. Freelance was ok when i didn't have bills to pay, but now that i have to pay my car $350, tithe $200, Astro $50, Internet $125, Mission pledge $20, car park $60, phone bill $50, that is an automatic 855 deducted! From a salary of 2k, that leaves me little than half to pay my petrol, food and various other costs... how am i supposed to live like this? I have managed to survive so far because of the incentive scheme of my company. I actually earned more than 3k the last 2 months. This is actually thanks to the technical director who couldn't solve the problems. I, therefore had to solve the problems and thus got incentive for it. Unfortunately, the disney project is now officially over and the projects we are doing now do not have incentive.

I need more money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm currently thinking whether i should look for another job or not. unfortunately, studios that do long form animation in malaysia are sparse. In fact, my present company is one of the biggest that focuses mainly on that. But they are so freakin cheap! they even want to rip off their staff.
Ok, the parking in my company is completely insufficient for the amount of staff that we have. Right now we have to triple park our cars, and by 5pm move them out somewhere. Now, another branch of the parent company is moving into our building and we have had our permanent parking areas cut by half to make way for them, AND are only allowed to double park. The company made no offer of solving the situation except this, and this is a funny one folks, they said that they could offer a shuttle service if we parked our car somewhere else(which is around 10 minutes walk away), BUT we have to pay them $100 a month each for the priviledge! WTF!!!!!!! i could not believe my ears, not only do they screw us over, they stab us in the back and try to earn money from us!!!! what the hell kind of company is this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

car $350, tithe $200, Astro $50, Internet $125, Mission pledge $20, car park $60, phone bill $50, watching someone else whinge about them, priceless...

seriously though, what's your say on the prospect of actually going overseas for work?

I think as animators in general, job security is considered a luxury. So in my opinion, perhaps it'd be best for you to plan ahead and look for another potential job (Just in case). But since there are only so many animation companies in south east asia, if worse comes to worst, you'd be getting some odd jobs outside the industry for awhile before you can go back in.

btw, have you tried Optidigit?

9:31 AM  

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