Farts and Burps

*BURP* . . . . *Fart*

Location: PJ, Malaysia

I'm dead boring

Friday, February 17, 2006

Weeelll....still no drawings to upload so i'll put up another photo i dug up.

I showed some of my photos to my overseas supervisor and he "really liked a some of them"(in his own words).

I just found out today that he will be leaving next week though! The disney project is truly over, and i have been selected to be in some "core team" to develop new projects that the company wants to sell/pitch for. The animation director made it sound so great to be in this core team but i think its not gonna be anything special. The technical director who i think is a moron is in this core team too so that doesn't say much about it i guess..hehehehe. I was really tempted to tell the animation director that i would not join this team if the technical director was in it because the i think that the T.D is incompetent. He doesn't really know much but uses a lot of buzz words and bullshit, just like the boss in "The Office".

When he first came in the studio he kept on talking about his 15 years of experience and stuff and that he was sooo good in animation that when a director saw his animation, he was so impressed that he wanted to cast the T.D in a movie! And he criticized our work habits, saying from 9am to 4pm we should be working, and then we go for a short meal and then work around the clock to beyong 12am....blah blah blah. Well, we(the animators) immediately hated him but i was willing to give him a chance if he really was that good. Unfortunately we found out that he is nothing but a poser who talks the talk but when asked to really do something is as effective as rotten banana. Somemore he criticized one of the hardest working animators who before he burned out was working till 1am everyday and came back weekends, saying if he didn't want to work hard he should work in "filem negara".

Well, as time went by his stupidity became more and more obvious and i had to pick up the slack and solve some of the problems that he couldn't. Although i got extra incentive(in the form of money), i really dislike the guy more and more. When i talk to him i feel like talking to someone who barely has an IQ of a child. When asked a real technical question, he just hems and haws and spouts off some buzzwords or says something like "oh, i really don't want to do something that i did 10 years ago". gaaaah! I have been complaining and complaining about him but the management keeps wanting to give him a chance even though he has not proven himself at all! I can't stand him, everytime he comes to talk to me i smile but what i am thinking in my head is "get away from me you stupiddumbshitgoddammotherfucker! I feel like my brain cells are dying just by talking to you!"

well...that was a little diversion...heheheh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... and just when I thought u'd avoid any work related rants. How bout the environment there though? Is it a stressful place to work in? How's the prospect of the animation industry in malaysia? (perhaps that could be the topic for your next post ;)

Hey, what films do you use?

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was me btw...

4:21 PM  
Blogger tauism said...

well, it can be stressfull. the animators who were here before me were working till 11pm everyday and even weekends, only to be told that they had to work even harder.

All this because someone in the management was siphoning money so that there was no budget to hire more experienced people. I mean what company hires fresh grads to do a disney project? And when they see people leaving in droves, do nothing to stop the leak.

All i can say is that it has been a good experience for me and that i've learned a lot. Apparently though there is some serious office politics going on that we don't know about. i hope to find out about the truth soon.

12:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I mean what company hires fresh grads to do a disney project?"

Well I can tell you one. How bout your company hehehe...

I never knew corruptions are thriving in the animation industry as well... I feel so naive. :/ or is this just in malaysia? O_o

"the animators who were here before me were working till 11pm everyday and even weekends, only to be told that they had to work even harder."

Thanks Jordan for making me think twice about the path that I'm taking. Now I'll be a lot more cautious...

8:57 PM  

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