Farts and Burps

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Location: PJ, Malaysia

I'm dead boring

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bruce Percy

I recently stumbled upon the website of a photographer called Bruce Percy.

He takes mainly landscapes but he has an incredible eye for colour and composition that his images just look different from other photographers.

Take a look at this picture: http://www.thelightandtheland.com/pages/fineArtPrints/cuernos.html

it looks almost like a painting... I really love this kind of photography

*I am thinking of getting a camera phone, probably a sony ericsson k750i, but i am wondering if i should wait for the w810i to be released. I really like the idea of being able to take a photo at any time, the epitome of street photography


Anonymous Anonymous said...

His photos are nice, but a lot of them sorta has that unnatural postcard-ey look to it (Either he pumped it up in photoshop or that's some nice polarizer.) which I think kinda ruins the natural colors since it's so contrasty. But I think that's the look that he's after, more power for him :) btw, are you fond of staged photography? you should see the quirkiness of McCarty photoworks

a lot of my friends have K750i and they're very satisfied with the phone so far. The built-in flash is very bright, and it has macro functions as well, however it takes time to focus and you'd need to be very still or have steady hands as it blurs quite easily. In terms of photo quality wise, I can tell you that in low light conditions it has terrible amount of noise sometimes it even forms streaks but it does some excellent pics nevertheless. one pic is around 256k so if you get a 1 gb card, you can shoot like a maniac. Perhaps you might even think of the w800 instead (or even the w900) if you really care about the photo quality, and if that's the case don't buy nokia, SE wins hands down anyway enough of my mobile phone seller rambling for now...

7:11 PM  
Blogger tauism said...

hoo hoo, such an informative comment

2:17 AM  
Blogger tauism said...

oh yeah, the reason why the photos have high saturation levels and contrast is because he uses fuji velvia which is a slide film which produces extremely high saturated colours which many landscape photographers love.

2:23 AM  

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