Farts and Burps

*BURP* . . . . *Fart*

Location: PJ, Malaysia

I'm dead boring

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

MSC Superpitch

Ok, MSC has a thing called a superpitch where different companies and individuals send in their ideas for an animated series or feature film. The 10 best series will compete in what is called a "pitch" where you tell the buyers/client (in this case judges) about your story and why they should give you money for it.

My company entered and were shortlisted for the final 10, me and two colleagues were tasked to provide the presentation. It was a horrendously last minute thing, we only got our material the friday before the monday presentation. Spent the weekend rehearsing but still on was nervous on the day. I was the main speaker for our company and when it came to our turn the first thing that happened was a technical glitch. Funny that just 10 minutes ago our presentation video was working fine... Good thing we had our animation bible (a overview of our show with character profile and sketches...etc) which we gave to the judges to peruse while we had the problem. Ok, problem fixed...time to start. So, i give my part of the talk, then my teammates all took their turn and did well. Now Q&A, the most talkative judge now asks us, "your company is so successful in the animation industry and is so big, why do you need the money?" The hall bursts out in laughter, i look at my compadres and none of us know what do say...

I finally decide to just speak and let my mouth do the thinking, I reply by saying the my company have always been doing service work or outsourced work, we have never done any project internally. We don't have the financial resources to take such a big step & do something for free, but thanks to MSC, we now have the opportunity to show the world what we can do. I assume its a good answer because i can here the crowd murmur and clap a little...phew! Well that ended the questions session and we go back to our seats and after sitting through 2 other presentations, the judges go and make their decisions. There will be 5 winners that get 50k, and the first winner...isn't us. The 2nd one...isn't us either... The third one...is another team...oh uh!
Finally we here the glorious words and we have just won the company 50k!

Anyway, that was quite a good experience. I got asked for my name by a couple of reporters and they should be covering this superpitch so look out for me in either nanyang or thestar either today(tuesday 25th july or tomorrow)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

long time no see

well, after the recent spate of bad luck things are turning up!

My car seems to have been resurrected as well, before there was no alarm but after fixing the batter suddenly my car seems to have acquired additional skills! not only the alarm but now when i leave the car and take out the key, it auto-locks! Talk about snazzy... Both headlights work now, low light as well as highlight! hehehehe...all in all its in the best condition its been in a while. I wonder if i should spend money on it to make it a better car, cos really...its not bad. Just needed some TLC(tender loving care) i guess. too bad its got a horrendous scratch on the doors!

If i were to fix it up, the next thing i'd do was the rear suspension, they are just too soft and unstable, everytime i go over a speed bump, the whole car shakes, not exactly comfortable.

Besides that, work is pretty relaxing. I am now getting my team to simulate a tornado which we will put into a live scene and see how well we can composite it. The only thing is that the company now wants us to arrive at work the latest by 9:30! Sigh...no more 11:30 entries for me, although leaving early is kinda fun...heheh.

On another note, its the megasale now...too bad i am broke.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

A series of unfortunate events

Ok this story is pretty long so bear me out...

First, the battery in my car(citroen) konked out. Then i tried my dad's car(camry) but it was also weak from not being driven for 1 week. So i got jude to help me jumpstart it and my car and we drove the respective cars around to charge the battery. My dad's car turned out alright, but the battery only lasted a few days for my car. I brought it to the workshop for a full charge but 1 week later it totally died. I just finished a long day at work but when i tried to start my car all i heard was "click...click". I got my friends to help me jump start it and on my way home, the car felt really bumpy. After I parked the car i saw that the tyre was flat! I looked for the spare tyre on my car but it was missing...I think the previous owner took it out and didn't put it back! So i drove my dads car for a few days and then suddenly one morning, i discover that 1 of the tyres was totally flat and another was halfway flat. So I changed the flat one to the spare and pumped up the other one. That night, after watching football at sri hartamas till around 1:30, i discover that the halfway pumped up one is now totally flat! This time I jacked up the car, took the two flat tyres and with the help of a friend, brought them to the petrol station to pump. The first petrol station we wanted to go to had a line as long as the great wall...so, we went to another one but the air pump was closed. We then went all the way to damansara heights to pump up the tyres and fit one of them back to the car. The next morning, that tyre was flat so i changed it with the other pumped up tyre. I took the flat tyre from my car(the citroen) as well as the other flat car from my dad's car and then went to the closest workshop from my house, by the time i got there it was totally flat. The mechanic check the tyres and told me that they were irrepairable as the damage was to the sidewalls which cannot be patched up. He said that they were most probably stabbed by someone! So I had to replace the tyres at 310 each. My own tyre was 180. After getting that sorted out, I took a battery from a friend who had a new battery he hadn't used. I installed that into my car and everything worked fine! yahoo! Until i tried to close the bonnet and found out that the battery was too big and I couldn't close the bonnet...

So tomorrow i will be battery shopping and hopefully get this series of unfortunate events out of the way...